Arduino – Servo Control with Ultrasonic Sensor

Arduino – Servo Control with Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo Control with Arduino Components Needed Arduino Uno Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Servo Motor Breadboard the code is here Copy to Clipboard Example Copy Copied! #include Servo servo1; int trigPin = 12; int echoPin = 11; long distance; long duration; void setup() { servo1.attach(7); pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); } void loop() { check();…

Raspberry Pi Setup

Raspberry Pi Setup

Raspberry Pi OS, previously known as Raspbian, is the official operating system for Raspberry Pi devices. It’s based on Debian and is optimized to run on the Raspberry Pi’s hardware. How to run Pi OS Step 1 : Download Pi OS Image file from official website, And install pi OS in SD card as bootable. Step…

Capacitor Bank Calculation

Capacitor Bank Calculation

Power Factor Improvement refers to the actions taken to increase the efficiency of an electrical system by minimizing the phase difference between voltage and current. Here Total Load = 1245 KWpf                         = 0.85Required pf       = 0.93 Cos x = 0.85Cos y = 0.95Required capacitor KVAR = Kw * (tan x – tan y) y = cos-1 0.85=…

Star Delta Starter

Star Delta Starter

The star-delta starter effectively reduces starting current by utilizing the star configuration during startup, which lowers the voltage across the motor windings. This approach not only protects the motor and electrical system but also contributes to more efficient operation in various industrial applications.. Starting Phase: The motor is initially connected in the star configuration, which…

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